
Everything starts with the script – it is singularly the most important part of the process. The idea, the message and the construction of the spot intellectually is absolutely critical to the success of the spot or a multi spot campaign. Your company is essentially “funding” the script/message, therefore it needs to be right, otherwise you are funding a flawed or faulty proposition going into the radio buy. That would be a waste of money and leave you, the client with a bad experience with the effectiveness, and ultimate value of radio advertising. 


Radio Station Production vs Independent Radio Writer / Producers Production: 


The comments below are are broad statements and sweeping generalizations,  however they do have merit worth your consideration. With the contraction of the “radio industry” – corporate takeover, consolidation, mergers, show syndication and the leveraging of talent across multiple markets, fewer people are doing more work – from account executives to “creative staff” and even “on air talent.” Sadly, this means that less time is spent on writing and producing a radio spot for each and every client. Often times radio stations offer “value added” elements such as “free script writing and free production.” 

As in all things in life, you get what you pay for. “Free” sounds good, but it can be the most expensive radio mistake you ever make. Why do you think that radio stations “throw this in?” It’s because radio stations make their money on what a client spends on the actual cost of the radio buy. It’s not unlike “giving away the shaver so the consumer buys the blades later.

The flaw in this “free radio commercial scenario” is that poorly written spots can generate less than optimal results. This almost always yields a dissatisfied client and ultimately a client that:

a) does not renew their ad buy

b) has had a bad experience in/with radio and forever believing that radio advertising is a waste of money.


Well written and produced radio commercials can generate virtually immediate results.


The success of the radio campaign rides exclusively on three things:

 a) the quality of the radio writing/script and production

b) script execution and production 

c) the logic behind the radio buy.


Why make a multi-thousand dollar investment in a radio commercial, or multi-spot campaign from the outset that is, or might be flawed?   The Radio Producers will write and produce a smart, clever, creative, effective radio spot and/or campaign for your company's product or service.

View Small Sample of Client Radio Scripts