PRESS RELEASE: MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT Creates Video on “Radio Media Buying”: “How To” Video Shows Commercial Radio Advertisers “How to Read a Radio Schedule” and Evaluate a Media Buy


“Buying radio airtime” is part art and part science and involves its very own lexicon comprised of a literal alphabet soup of acronyms, technical jargon, statistics and metrics that can, and often is, confusing not only to “first time” radio clients, but even professionals in the media business.  This 2-minute video is a primer on “media buying for radio advertising” not just for the inexperienced business owner but equally as informative for ad industry professionals and marketing directors who currently buy radio advertising.

Miami, Fl…Unless you buy radio advertising for a living, and are either highly experienced or expert at it, commercial radio buying is confusing and can lead to an inefficient and ineffective commercial radio media buy. "That's a fact," says Jeff Mustard, a more than 20 year advertising veteran, a multiple award-winning writer/producer and Creative Director/Founder of, a company specializing in commercial radio production. The radio industry, like any profession, is riddled with its own vernacular. As a business owner, or even an experienced marketing director who may not buy radio advertising regularly, it would be helpful to have a grasp on these arcane acronyms, otherwise, an investment in radio advertising might not yield the results a business owner or marketing director were hoping to achieve.   

The Vernacular of Radio/Media Buying

Phrases like “impressions,” “frequency” and “reach,” “Average Quarter Hour” and “Ratings Points,” comprise the fundamental concepts of a commercial radio advertising media buy. Acronyms such as CPP, CPM and GRP represent the statistical basis for any radio buy. Most laypersons are not familiar with these terms, how to use them, or even more importantly how to how to apply them. This is no surprise. Unless working in the industry there’s no reason to have familiarity or even expertise with the formulas or calculations behind these terms. These phrases represent the underlying calculus of how to truly understand buying radio. “Even experienced ad executives aren’t truly familiar with the analysis and statistics of buying radio,” says Mustard, “that’s why companies such as ours exist, to provide this type of critical analysis when hundreds of thousands of dollars are at stake, even millions.”

My Radio Commercials are Written: What Now?

The best written spot poorly placed, wrong demographic, a bad buy, wasted dollars, etc. inevitably leads to failure, deep dissatisfaction, and a huge waste of money. More often than not, first time radio clients’ ad campaigns are not met with the success anticipated, and there are many reasons for this (that can be learned in our soon-to-be-published Ebook – “Everything you Must Know About Radio but Didn’t Know to Ask.” To be launched on website shortly).  When the phone doesn’t ring or customers are not going to a store or web traffic hits are not up, that leads to a disenchanted business owner/radio client, and that means the radio buy is not working and is not renewed. That’s bad for business for everyone all the way around.

Commercial Radio Media Buying

Writing and producing a commercial radio spot or commercial radio campaign is one thing. Placing it in the right markets, on the right radio stations, matching the right demographic, is a completely different matter.

Businesses will Spend Huge Sums of Money on Buying Radio: Be Smart About It

When clients are thinking about spending thousands of dollars on commercial radio advertising, probably tens of thousands and possibly even hundreds of thousands of dollars over any real long-term buy, they want to be sure they are getting the biggest bang for the buck and making the smartest, and what’s called, “efficient” radio buy. 

Anyone Can Buy Radio Airtime, Not Everyone Can Buy it Effectively

Anyone can buy air time, but not everyone can buy airtime smartly, cost-effectively and efficiently. What a client doesn’t know about radio commercial media buying can hurt the businesses financially, especially if a business owner is counting on their radio campaign to launch a company or product, promote a special event, or lift it from a sagging sales slump. The wrong radio buy a) may not work and b) will tarnish or destroy a business owner or marketing directors view of the powerful and effective value of radio advertising.  Ever play golf? A driver in the hands of a pro is beautiful, magical, magnificent even. The same tool in the hands of a novice, a disaster, painful even to watch. Business owners, marketing directors, and advertising agencies will often vest a lot of time, money and resources on the “to be launched” radio advertising campaign. And rightly so. Good radio advertising and a smart, efficient radio media buy can deliver virtually immediate results

Here is a Radio Buy Schedule Sample of a “Bad” Radio Buy

Would you know a good radio schedule “buy” from a bad one? Would you know exactly what to look for, the various metrics and benchmarks that distinguish a good buy from a bad buy? If you are new to the notion of exploring a radio buy for your company, then the answer is, or should be evident, which is no, there is no way for you to have this knowledge. As a matter of fact, even professionals in the worlds of advertising, media and marketing might not be able to pick out the qualities that make this schedule a “bad” radio buy.

Click the link at the end of this paragraph. It will go to a web page that outlines the five key/significant metrics contained within a radio commercial media buy that will offer you, novice or advertising or marketing professional alike, highly specialized insights into what comprises a good, smart, effective commercial radio media buy.


Use a Commercial Radio Media Buying Company  

As in any profession, any highly specialized skill, there is experience and expertise that goes into doing things the right way, the smart way, the correct way. Whose better at filling out taxes, the average American or a tax professional? Naturally, the tax professional.  If a business owner is looking to create a radio campaign for their company, or even if they are currently running radio advertising, the services of a radio media buying professional would be valuable in helping to evaluate the commercial radio media buy.  This is expertise that can help establish if a radio advertisers and their business is getting the biggest bang for the buck and squeezing every bit of potential return out of their radio investment. 

About Jeff Mustard |

Jeff Mustard, a more than 20-year advertising, marketing and public relations executive is also a multiple award-winning writer/producer/director (Documentary Producer), with work produced locally, regionally nationally, in print, radio, television and for the stage. A multi-talented, multi-faceted writer, Mustard has written screenplays, stage-plays and television shows, including co-writing (and ghost authoring) a Wall Street Journal Best-selling book. A speechwriter and former published movie critic, Mustard has ghost authored news stories, magazine articles and Op-Ed pieces for high ranking business leaders and government officials. He has served as the Chief Marketing Officer, Director of Communications, Chief Information Officer and spokesperson for national and international organizations and high-profile individuals.   

Media Contact:  Jeff Mustard – 954-801-8263 |